Missing Metrics: Exit Velocity, Launch Angle, & Distance.

The metrics of Exit Velocity, Launch, and Distance require the use of Ball Flight.  If the feature isn't turned on these metrics will not be available.   

  • Premium services are required to use the Ball Flight.  

Ball flight can help your game. The camera uses Blast IQ to detect the post-impact metrics. This is called Ball Flight. This premium service measures the post-impact results of your swings, allowing you to visualize ball flight. The app will walk you through the setup of using this service. See the powerpoint and video below for further detail: 


PowerPoint: Ball Flight – The setup



Ball Flight:



Please follow the setup tree questions:

Decision Tree

Is your device supported for Ball Flight? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • Add Button

Do you have a Tripod?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Have you signed up for Blast Connect?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button


Did you start Ball Flight?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Did you tap on record?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Did you select on-handedness in the app?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Did you set the camera distance on the app?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Did you measure the camera distance from the batter?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

Did you turn your device to the side for a landscape video view?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Add Button

This is the last step of the setup.  After completing these steps, you should be able to successfully capture Ball Flight.  If still having issues, please see:

No Ball Flight Metrics

If the phone is issued in a vertical manner for Ball Flight, it will not work. Please capture swings on a tripod with the screen in landscape. 

Please make sure to set the physical camera distance on the app. A measuring tape is recommended, although a bat of known length may be used.

How to start Ball Flight


1. From the Analyze screen, tap on Live.
2. Swipe on Ball Flight to turn on.
3. Tap on the Practice button.
4. Select Environment.
5. Tap Next.
6. Select on Hitter on the Left or Hitter on the Right.
7. Use the scroll bar to set the camera distance.
8. Tap on Set Distance.

9. Tap on the record button.


• Tap on Baseball Diamond to toggle between field view/ Blast IQ metrics and recording.

 During the setup, please make sure to set the camera distance on the app.  

How to start Ball Flight


1. From the Analyze screen, tap on Live.
2. Swipe on Ball Flight to turn on.
3. Tap on the Practice button.
4. Select Environment.
5. Tap Next.
6. Select on Hitter on the Left or Hitter on the Right.
7. Use the scroll bar to set the camera distance.
8. Tap on Set Distance.

9. Tap on the record button.


• Tap on Baseball Diamond to toggle between field view/ Blast IQ metrics and recording.

During the setup, please make sure to set the handedness of the hitter.  The default is usually set to right-handedness.

How to start Ball Flight


1. From the Analyze screen, tap on Live.
2. Swipe on Ball Flight to turn on.
3. Tap on the Practice button.
4. Select Environment.
5. Tap Next.
6. Select on Hitter on the Left or Hitter on the Right.
7. Use the scroll bar to set the camera distance.
8. Tap on Set Distance.

9. Tap on the record button.


• Tap on Baseball Diamond to toggle between field view/ Blast IQ metrics and recording.

Please turn on the Ball Flight feature to capture Ball Flight metrics and start recording. .



How to start Ball Flight


1. From the Analyze screen, tap on Live.
2. Swipe on Ball Flight to turn on.
3. Tap on the Practice button.
4. Select Environment.
5. Tap Next.
6. Select on Hitter on the Left or Hitter on the Right.
7. Use the scroll bar to set the camera distance.
8. Tap on Set Distance.

9. Tap on the record button.


• Tap on Baseball Diamond to toggle between field view/ Blast IQ metrics and recording.

Please turn on the Ball Flight feature to capture Ball Flight metrics.



How to start Ball Flight


1. From the Analyze screen, tap on Live.
2. Swipe on Ball Flight to turn on.
3. Tap on the Practice button.
4. Select Environment.
5. Tap Next.
6. Select on Hitter on the Left or Hitter on the Right.
7. Use the scroll bar to set the camera distance.
8. Tap on Set Distance.

9. Tap on the record button. 


• Tap on Baseball Diamond to toggle between field view/ Blast IQ metrics and recording.

Please sign up for the premium services of Blast Connect.

Getting Started 


Gain access to advanced training metrics and improvement insights, cloud-based storage, coaching feedback, personalized reports, performance history, and more. Gaining access to all this information can be done in multiple ways of app sign up, web sign up, Invite.



Web Sign up – Academy (Baseball)(Admin Coach)


  • Click the link for Blast Baseball registration (https://blastconnect.com/academy/register/baseball ).
  • Fill out the Create a Blast Connect Academy form:
  • Name
  • Sub Domain
  • Logo (Optional)
  • Phone
  • Tap on one of these options:
    • Already have a Blast Account.
      • Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
        • Email
        • Password 
        • Tap on Terms of Service
      • Tap on Login to Continue.
    • Don’t have a Blast Account?
      • Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Phone
        • Check Box: The consent to create a Blast Motion Account.
        • Email
        • Password 
        • Confirm Password
        • Tap on Terms of Service
      • Tap on Create account.
  • Fill in Payment Details of Cardholder Name, Card Number, CVS Security Code, and Expires.
  • Tap on subscribe to Blast Connect.



Web Sign up – Academy (Softball)(Admin Coach)


  • Name
  • Sub Domain
  • Logo (Optional)
  • Phone
  • Tap on one of these options:
    • Already have a Blast Account.
      • Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
        • Email
        • Password 
        • Tap on Terms of Service
      • Tap on Login to Continue.
    • Don’t have a Blast Account?
      • Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Phone
        • Check Box: The consent to create a Blast Motion Account.
        • Email
        • Password 
        • Confirm Password
        • Tap on Terms of Service
      • Tap on Create account.
  • Fill in Payment Details of Cardholder Name, Card Number, CVS Security Code, and Expires.
  • Tap on subscribing to Blast Connect.




Addition information can be found at the link below: 


Baseball: https://www.manula.com/manuals/blast-motion/blast-connect-baseball/r4.32/en/topic/getting-started

Softball: https://www.manula.com/manuals/blast-motion/blast-connect-softball/r4.32/en/topic/getting-started?q=upload

The sign-up for Blast Connect can be completed on your app.   




Here are the instructions:


  • In your Blast App 
  • Tap on the menu (hamburger button) 
  • Tap Profile/ silhouette (Circle Icon) 
  • Tap Account tab 
  • Account Type - make sure set to your choice (Player/Coach) 
  • Account - Tap on Upgrade 
  • Tap on Learn more 
  • Fill out the form. 

It’s difficult to hold the camera still enough for Ball Flight to work properly. The application will warn you if it detects too much motion, but handheld results may vary.  Tripod can be purchased on Amazon when you search for a tripod and the name of the device.

You must be using a supported iOS device to use the Ball Flight.  If you have any questions about the supported device, please take a look at the link below. 

Supported Device: https://blastmotion.com/devices


Please take a look at the supported device list link below. 

Supported Device: https://blastmotion.com/devices

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