What is Smart Feedback & Action Chime

The Smart Feedback feature reads the very first metric in the Just Swing or Just Putt section. The Action Chime is the sound created when an action is taken.


  • To turn on the Smart Feedback and Action Chime option tap the menu button from the Homepage.  
  1. Next select Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Smart Feedback Settings to toggle on or off the Action Chime or Smart Feedback.
  3. To change the audio reading of the Smart Feedback option tap Metric Layout from the Just Putt or Just Swing screen
  4. Be sure to select either Circle Graph, 4 UP, or 6 UP from the Custom layout section
  • Getting Started, Tempo Training, Speed Training, Ball Striking Training metric order cannot be changed
  1. Next tap Metric Order. 
  2. Tap and hold on the desired metric and slide to the top of the screen,

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