Getting Started
Gain access to advanced training metrics and improvement insights, cloud-based storage, coaching feedback, personalized reports, performance history, and more. Gaining access to all this information can be done in multiple ways of app sign up, web sign up, Invite.
Web Sign up – Academy (Golf)(Admin Coach)
- Click the link for Blast Baseball registration ( )
- Fill out the Create a Blast Connect Academy form:
- Name
- Sub Domain
- Logo (Optional)
- Phone
Tap on one of these options:
Already have a Blast Account.
Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
- Password
- Tap on Terms of Service
- Tap on Login to Continue.
Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
Don’t have a Blast Account?
Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Check Box: The consent to create a Blast Motion Account.
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Tap on Terms of Service
- Tap on Create account.
Fill out the Create a Blast Account form:
Already have a Blast Account.
- Fill in Payment Details of Cardholder Name, Card Number, CVS Security Code, and Expires.
- Tap on subscribe to Blast Connect.
Addition information can be found at the link below: